No Vision

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

In our previous lessons we taught on “Vision”. We looked at the all-encompassing Will of God being revealed as “The Vision of God” because that is what God sees. We mentioned that men, women and children should seek to understand “God’s Vision” in their heart because a good portion of “God’s Vision” includes all mankind. There are some specific assignments for each person and there are some general assignments for all mankind as a whole. A previous lesson highlighted “personal vision” concluding that each and every person should have a “vision” to share with those near them because sharing your “personal vision” helps people see just who you are and where you are going. In another lesson we discuss the responsibility of Leadership having a “vision”, living that “vision” and sharing that “vision” with those who want to help them fulfill their “vision”. Today’s lesson will take the opposite approach by highlighting what happens when you have “no vision”. This may sound a bit odd when you hear the word “no vision” because the majority of people in the world don’t think having “vision” is as important as it truly is. Yes, today’s reference scripture states: “Where there is “no vision”, the people perish” so we (ihlcc) don’t see how anyone could think that avoiding perishing is a less than serious matter. Most people would think even if I don’t have a “vision” it doesn’t mean that I’m going to die. We would say it just depends on your situation because if you are going to war without a strategy (a carefully thought out “vision”) the chances are higher that you could die. Now we don’t believe (and neither should you) that God is looking to take people off on this earth because they didn’t follow His Laws and Commandments. No, the context of this verse is tied to keeping the Law of God but also remember The Lord is very merciful, compassionate, longsuffering, patient and kind. The main emphasis is that all those who keep God’s Law shall live better successful lives and those who choose to reject God’s Law (His vision) will lose their life if they continue fighting against God the majority of their life. Now we all know according to the Holy Word of God we saw this lived out in the Old Testament there are plenty of examples where the Israelites (God’s People) practiced (obeyed) God’s Law and prospered in war, health, longevity (length of life) and financial stability. However, whenever the Israelites worked against (by open rejection) God’s Law by choosing to worship other gods or they promoted their will over God’s Will (God’s Vision) people died. Not just one death here and there but in some cases a whole tribe almost got killed for taking a stand against God’s Law (His Vision). In the New Testament under our New Covenant this means you are now bought with a price you are not your own because Jesus died for you and purchased you back when He rose victorious over death, hell and grave. So, yes, not keeping Thee “Vision of God” could result in physical death, mental death and spiritual death which is spending eternity apart from God, Thee Source of all life. We strongly believe that in your own personal life if you have “no vision” for God and “no vision” on how you can approach God though prayer and praise you are at a severe disadvantage in life. Yes, we can’t express enough about how much we need God and that would include accepting “God’s Vision (God’s Word)” as our necessary food and fulfillment in life. So we hope you are totally open to God’s Will for your life and we surely hope that “your vision” in life is to do “God’s Vision” for your personal life. We (ihlcc) have mentioned having the main (most major) “vision” which is the “Vision of God” but on a lessor note there is such a thing as “minor visions” (plural) too. This would include having a “vision” for school or a “vision” of buying a new car. If you can see it, you can say it and if you can say it you can write it down so your “vision” can take root. Yes, “minor visions” aren’t looking at your whole life but rather a portion of your life. These numerous “minor visions” may include doing certain events with chosen family members or a specific goal in your life that is coming in the future but it must be prepared for. Now, just because they are categorized as “minor visions” don’t think for one minute that they are unimportant because that would be a big (huge) mistake. The “minor visions” are critical for your success in this life by God’s Standards and the expectations of your fellowman. Like having a “vision” to go to college for a certain time is excellent if you will follow your “vision” until fulfillment. To have a “vision” of working in a leadership position one day at your job is wonderful if you stay focused and accomplish your “vision” in the right season. What about the “vision” of being married one day and starting a family. We would all believe that working in leadership and starting a family are two very important issues, let the church say Amen! However, if you don’t have a “vision” for either one you probably will not do either one. Why? one may ask, it is because we just don’t make major decision without much forethought and having the forethought written down so others can see it, comment about it and understand it is “vision”. Those who have a lack of “vision” will not set their ship to sail, nor will they make the necessary commitment to do all the work necessary to secure the many blessing from God because they just aren’t committed to a “vision”. Please don’t take us (ihlcc) wrong by assuming we are being hard on people because that is not our intent. We only want to see God’s People succeed so we are begging and pleading with all people to be comfortable and committed to writing “visions” whether big (major) or small (minor). Yes, even printing out or writing a grocery list is a “vision” for a week or so put on paper to help the one gathering the groceries to be efficient. This list could also be helpful in showing a grocery clerk exactly what you need. This little powerful list could also help your spouse generally understand how much money is needed for groceries on a weekly or monthly bases. This list could also fulfill a child’s dream of having their best meals for a week because if they see the food they desire on your list (your vision) it is as good as done. Yes, our faith friends “vision” is important, yes so important it can keep you from perishing. Therefore having “no vision” is not an option for the child of God, The Lord’s ambassador for success because if you are willing and obedient you shall surely eat the good of the land according to Isaiah 1:19. Amen!